
2016-01-07 688
League of Angels, GTArcade's award-winning MMORPG that just celebrated its 2-year anniversary, is starting the new year with some exciting news for the international community!
French and German Versions Coming
To share the League of Angels experience with an even wider audience, GTArcade is happy to announce added support for French and German languages to the game on January 7th. Players will be able to switch to their preferred language within the game options after logging in. French and German fans are cordially invited to join on this epic adventure that will take them across a fantastical world of swords and magic.
Experience the Adventure
League of Angels is a completely free to play MMORPG featuring intense combat and beautiful visuals, making it one of the best online games of its genre.The perfect combination of action and strategy culminates in an MMORPG experience that should not be missed!
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