
2016-01-11 359
通过Steam Greenlight的审核,《红色男爵》1月7日在Steam平台上线。是时候在第一次世界大战中体验忙碌的飞行了。
*包括28种不同的飞机,其中有索普维斯“骆驼”战斗机,D.H.2 Pusher,SPAD7,Albatros D.III,Fokker Triplane等等。
With the Steam Greenlight passed, Red Baron flew back to the sky on January 7th on Steam. It is time to experience the busy sky in World War I.
This time Red Baron and Red Baron 3D are coming out together, you can try a face-to-face fierce air fight in a wooden biplanes or triplanes. To make an excellent retake-off, the new ones will have new features bringing both World War I old-style air fight gameplay and updated graphics.
*Includes 28 different aircraft, including the Sopwith Camel, The D.H.2 Pusher, the Spad 7, the Albatros D.III, the Fokker Triplane, and many others.
*Unique mission record feature lets you record an entire mission to disk—jump back into the game at any point to begin playing again!
*200 page manual complete with maps, technical specifications, historical backgrounds, pilot profiles, and aerial tactics.
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