
2016-01-13 1821
Daum和Pearl Abyss已经展示了游侠的觉醒状态和屏幕截图,《黑色沙漠》的新更新将于1月14日在韩国服务器上线。
根据Daum和Pearl Abyss的计划,在不久的将来我们将看到驯兽师和女武神的觉醒状态和截图。专业玩家网为游戏工作室提供最全面的VPN代理,游戏CDK,游戏防封软件,游戏辅助脚本工具,游戏打金技术,游戏赚钱方法,游戏项目,比价器等服务。
Daum and Pearl Abyss have showcased the awakening State Gameplay and Screenshots of Ranger and will carry on this update on January 14th on the Korean server of Black Desert Online.
The ranged skills of Ranger have already been established, so her awakening weapon, an elemental short-sword, is added which seems greatly balancing her melee skills. Her original weapon, bow and elemental sword, is also usable. Players can freely switch the weapon between the original and the awakening weapon  at any time.
According to Daum and Pearl Abyss’s plan, we’ll see Beast Mater and Valkyrie’s Awakening State Gameplay and Screenshots in the near future. Interested players please stay tuned! Read on to see more screenshots.
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