《火瀑》下次更新包括新的PVE/ PVP内容

2016-01-18 554
Red 5 Studios日前透露,《火瀑》下次更新的内容定于1月20日启动,包括大量的变化和新内容。游戏工作室想要快速的游戏出货,可以选择专业玩家网游戏交易平台,包含最全面的欧美游戏收货商,港台游戏收货,东南亚游戏收货商家。
*Jericho Holdout——高端玩家的副本PvE游戏类型。
Red 5 Studios has revealed the contents of the next Firefall update that is scheduled to hit live servers on January 20th. There is a massive number of changes and new content coming to the game.
Some of the things that players can expect include:
*Arena PvP mode: Jetball. More modes will be available later.
*Jericho Holdout - instanced PvE gametype for high end players.
*Instanced missions with 3 difficulty modes.
*2 new operations.
*Battleframe combat update.
*Modified battleframe progression.
*Module adjustment.
*A new upgrade system called Tinkering.
*Increased itemization.
*Improved LFG tool.
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