
2016-01-25 1563
Perfect World Entertainment Inc. and Cryptic Studios has just announced the sixth anniversary for Star Trek Online. As a way of thanking players for their continued support over the last six years, this milestone will be commemorated with server-wide giveaways and the return of the ever-popular Anniversary Event from January 28 to February 24.
From January 26 - February 1, players can log into Star Trek Online to participate in the Anniversary C-Store Giveaways. During this event period, Captains will be able to collect free rewards from the in-game store every 24 hours. Giveaway items will be revealed on the Star Trek Online blog.
The Anniversary Event takes place from January 28 - February 24 and invites Star Trek Online Captains to meet Q at the Earth Space Dock and First City to participate in a series of in-game missions and events for rewards.
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