
2016-02-05 911
Recently, Chinese media 17173.com had an interview with the Tencent Games, the publisher of Blade and Soul in China. In this interview, the official team revealed several upcoming updates to the game, and among them, the one that surprised me most is the gender changing card.
According to the official team, it's because lots of players are requiring for a way to change their characters' gender. The gender changing card is now in planning, and is expected to be released this year.
Besides, a new class is also in designing now. Currently there is still no details revealed, but the official team promised that it will be a brand new class. Meanwhile, a new player challenge feature - Unlimited Tower, a new system to let high level players help new players in dungeon, new ranking list, new storyline and some adjustments in class balance will also be released in 2016. Let's stay tuned.
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