
2016-02-06 5127
《黑色沙漠》韩国服务器的新内容总是让我们感到兴奋,提高了体验它的欲望。幸运的是,第二次英文测试将在本月启动。正如我们所知,Daum和Pearl Abyss现在专注于觉醒武器的发展,最近Daum公司已经推出了两个角色的专属武器,武士和梅花。武士获得武神刀,专攻近战。他的武器与《三国演义》关羽的非常相似。至于梅花,她的武器是花月戟,有着更快的刺伤速度。
The fresh content from the Korean server of Black Desert Online always let us feel exciting and heighten our desire to play it. Fortunitely, its English 2nd Beta arrives this month. As we know, Daum and Pearl Abyss are now focusing on awakening weapon's development for the Korean server of Black Desert Online, and lately Daum has unveiled concept arts of the exclusive awakening weapons for two more characters, Blader and Plum.
The Blader gains a crescent blade and focuses on the close-combat. The weapon he takes is very similar to the Guan Yu’s in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. For the Plum, she receives a spear which enables a higher speed stabbing.
Weapon awakening system is a weapon-swapping mechanic which makes the character more powerful. Characters of Black Desert Online can switch the weapon to a different one when all the requirements are met.
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