
2016-02-16 427
Mugshot Games宣布其广受好评的塔防游戏《挖掘防卫者》将于2月18日发布主要内容更新,主要针对Android,iOS和Windows Phone。以黑夜为主题的更新带来12个新等级,4个新的敌人类型,以及新升级和成就。
Mugshot Games创始人Steve Yap说,“我们很幸运能有这样的忠实粉丝,其中一些玩家自2012年就开始支持我们,为了感谢大家,我创建了一个困难模式,熟练的玩家也可以挑战!”专业玩家网为所有职业玩家及游戏工作室提供游戏赚钱项目,为美服游戏工作室,韩服游戏工作室,日服游戏工作室,提供国外游戏注册,游戏技术攻略等资讯。
Mugshot Games today announced that a major content update for their critically acclaimed tower defense game, Digfender will be added for Android, iOS and Windows Phone on Feb.18th. The night-themed update features 12 new levels, 4 new enemy types, as well as new upgrades and achievements.
Mugshot Games' founder Steve Yap says, “We’ve been so lucky to have such loyal fans, some of whom have been with us since CastleMine in 2012. As a thank you, I’ve created some seriously tough levels for Digfender that will challenge even the most skilled players!”
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