
2016-02-26 1848
En Masse Entertainment宣布《TERA》的内容扩张Dawnfall将于3月1日推出。Dawnfall看到黎明岛变成了65级BAM狩猎场;困难模式添加了恐惧尖塔和遗忘岛。专业玩家网为游戏工作室曝光所有骗子,登记骗子,查询骗子服务。
*Tier 7&8奖励
En Masse Entertainment has announced that the Dawnfall content expansion to TERA will launch on March 1st. Dawnfall sees the original Island of Dawn turned into a level 65 BAM hunting ground; the return of the Dreadspire and the arrival of Forsaken Island  in hard mode.
*Level 65 BAM hunting ground
*All-new storyline
*Daily solo and group quests
*Tier 7 and 8 rewards
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