韩服《救世之树》更新增加了有趣的功能 雕像系统上线

2016-02-29 911
While the international version of Tree of Savior is now preparing for the launch of Open Beta, the Korean version of the game is also busy recently. A few interesting features have just been updated into the game, including new guild raid events, new emotions and a brand-new statue system.
This new statue system is for rewarding those players who achieved high rank in game. If you have reached rank 5 or higher, you can go to the northern part of city of Klaipeda, and you'll find a statue of your character there. Currently there is still no word about when this update will come to the international version. While the open beta is coming soon, we can expect that it won't take a long time for the international version catch up with the Korean version.
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