《海贼王:燃血》新角色 可以召唤来助阵

2016-03-02 613
《海贼王:燃血》新角色 可以召唤来助阵越来越多的熟悉的角色进入《海贼王:燃血》,这次的新成员是:贝波, 库蕾哈, 达旦, 卡鲁, 拉布以及Square Sisters。如果选择他们作为你的海盗船员的一部分,战斗期间可以召唤来助阵,包括恢复HP以及其他特定角色的独特能力。想要了解更多的手游项目或者游戏工作室项目,专业玩家为你提供一站式服务。
More and more familiar characters are coming into One Piece: Burning Blood, this time new crew members are: Bepo, Kureha, Dadan, Karoo, Laboon and Square Sisters. They are coming up as support characters and if selected to be part of the your pirate crew, these support characters can be called in during battle to help out mid-match including restoring HP as well as other character-specific unique abilities.
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