
2016-03-11 682
XL GAMES,韩国著名开发商,因《上古世纪》而著名,他们宣布韩国人气幻想小说《The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor》已经改编成手游,命名为《月光雕刻》。《月光雕刻》自2007年开始以网页小说形式连载中,截至目前为止共出刊47集以上,累计销售超过100万册,合计超过490多万名读者。
除了《月光雕刻》外,XL GAMES还有其他2款手游正在创作中,《上古世纪》手游和《勇士》。据报道,《上古世纪》手游将在2016年上半年发布。XL GAMES目前似乎专注于手机游戏的开发,在不久的将来,我们可能再也看不到该工作室创作的像《上古世纪》这种大型MMORPG。专业玩家网为游戏工作室曝光所有骗子,登记骗子,查询骗子服务。
XLGAMES, the Korean developer famous for ArcheAge, today unveiled that they're now bringing the Korean top story IP The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor into a new game named Moonlight Sculptor. In publication since 2007, the novel is about a high school drop-out that seeks riches in a VR game named "Royal Road".
Besides Moonlight Sculptor, there are also 2 mobile games being worked on right now by XLGAMES, which are ArcheAge Mobile and Braves. It was reported that ArcheAge Mobile will be released in the first half of 2016. It seems that XLGAMES is now focusing on mobile game development, and we may not see the studio bring any large-scale PC MMORPG like ArcheAge in the near future.
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