
2016-03-18 896
GDC 2016大会近日于美国旧金山举行,《巫师3:狂猎》不仅夺得夺年度游戏大奖,而且还收获了2015年度最佳技术大奖。由于这份大奖是由专业游戏设计人员评出的,权威性可以说毋庸置疑。虽然再次面对《合金装备5:幻痛》、《辐射4》和《血源》等多位强劲对手,但《巫师3》却依然从容夺奖,可见《巫师3:狂猎》在业界所获得的赞赏和认可已经达成了共识。
此外,GDC 2016大会上还有多项游戏大奖,其中《她的故事》和《火箭联盟》等精品游戏也成绩不俗。
年度游戏: 《巫师3:狂猎》
最佳首秀: Moon Studios (《奥日和黑暗森林》工作室)
最佳设计: 《火箭联盟》最佳掌机/移动游戏: 《她的故事》
最佳技术: 《巫师3:狂猎》
最佳剧情: 《她的故事》
最佳音效: 《节奏地牢》大使奖: 《Tracy Fullerton》
终身成就奖: Todd Howard(《辐射4》总监)
The Witcher 3 : CD Projekt Red Earns GotY at GDC
CD Projekt Red took home top honors during last night's Game Developers' Choice Awards by earning the Game of the Year for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Additionally, Witcher 3 took hom the Best Technology award as well.
Other awards included:
The immersive and interactive crime fiction game Her Story walked away with the most awards of the night, honored for Best Narrative, Best Handheld/Mobile Game and the Innovation Award. Ori and the Blind Forest by Moon Studios earned two awards for Best Debut and Best Visual Art. Other winners were Crypt of the NecroDancer, winning Best Audio for its entrancing techno melodies, Rocket League, which won for Best Design, and the Audience Award was given to Life is Strange by DONTNOD Entertainment.
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