
2016-08-02 505
魔兽世界:新资料片《魔兽世界 军团再临》可以观看了!
资料片第一部分是关于《魔兽世界:军团再临》,这部资料片是由Robert Brooks and narrated by Steven Pacey制作。
World of Warcraft : The Tomb of Sargeras Audio Drama Now AvailablePosted Aug 01, 2016 by Suzie Ford
The first part of an audio drama based on World of Warcraft: Legion is now available for your listening pleasure. Called "The Tomb of Sargeras Part 1", the audio drama is authored by Robert Brooks and narrated by Steven Pacey.
The audio drama joins  preparatory releases that include comics, the Harbinger video series, a tie-in novel and more.
World of Warcraft: Legion is scheduled for release on August 30th
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