
2016-08-06 1329
《 bless 》研发团队已经宣布游戏更新的消息。 该游戏在国内被各大游戏网站暂神佑,公告在北美洲和欧洲宣布不久后,Aeria游戏米果,将会负责关于游戏的出版责任。到目前为止,团队没有对外透漏任何消息。
Bless-Source.com has been updated with a note from the publishing team behind the NA-EU version of Bless Online. Shortly after being announced for distribution in North America and Europe, Aeria Games merged with Gamigo that will take over publication duties for the anticipated title. Up to now, the team had been quiet.
In the intervening months, Gamigo representatives have been to Korea to speak with the Neowiz Bless Studios to lay out the "milestone planning" for the game. Over the course of Gamescom, the discussions will continue and lead to a rough release date for NA-EU.
The team has been working on a production schedule as well as taking time to play the game to familiarize themselves with its features and structures. In addition, several IT personnel have been working to determine server specs for launch. Localization teams are working on translating Bless from Korean to English.
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