新游戏《Conan Exiles》官网推出 感兴趣的玩家赶紧去了解

2016-08-09 1819
如果你一直不知道由Funcom开发的《Conan Exiles》是什么游戏,那么,你可以到游戏官方的联书网页上去了解。在过去的几周内,新发科技的一些生物截图,怪物甚至青奥会坛版块作为页面的精选版块。对于那些使用社会媒体网络的人来说,《Conan Exiles》的页面点击率绝对不输于《上古传说》的。
In case you've been wondering what's up with Funcom's Conan Exiles, a Hyborian survival title in the making, you may want to head over to the game's official Facebook page. On it in the past couple of weeks, several screenshots of new hair tech, creatures, monsters and even the Altar of Yog have been featured.
For those who use social media, the Conan Exiles page is a must "like" to keep abreast of what's what in Hyborian development.
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