
2016-08-10 969
当《荒野星球》在8月17日更新上线,Madame Fay会得到到升级,…或逆行,这取决于你如何看待它。从更新那天起,她会出售一些非常漂亮的“复古灵感的财富”所玩家需要在17号之前去抢购卡宾枪来填满自己的库存。
When the Redmoon Rising update to WildStar goes live on August 17th, Madame Fay will be getting an update...or a retrograde, depending on how you look at it. From that day forward, she will be selling some pretty spiffy "retro-inspired fortunes" so Carbine is urging players to head over and snap up any of her remaining stock before the 17th.
One of the cooler items she'll be featuring is a Retrosaur Gilding Catalyst that will take three mounts that she offers for sale, one in each color variety, and turn them into a "shiny gold version" of the same type.
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