
2016-08-13 1283
《 魔兽世界 》:好莱坞最著名的铁匠Tony Swatton,曾经锻造过许多游戏类电影巨作,现在已经被暴雪娱乐公司委托创建一个《魔兽世界》中最具有标志性的传奇武器——Doomhammer。点击下面视频链接,观看关于Doomhammer更详细生动的内容。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
Hollywood blacksmith Tony Swatton, best known for forging weapons for some of the movie industry's biggest blockbusters, has become part of the Azeroth Amory after being commissioned by Blizzard Entertainment to create one of World of Warcraft's most iconic and legendary weapons, Doomhammer. Check out the video to watch metallic poetry in motion as Doomhammer comes to life.
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