《The Sea of Thieves》发布新功能 音乐工具

2016-08-15 1433
《The Sea of Thieves》团队已经发布了一个新的开发者日志用来来展示游戏中的一些音乐工具。当然,“海盗主题”的功能,可以使机组人员在休息的时间一起棚户区的听听手风琴,快来欣赏视频吧,伙计!专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。
The Sea of Thieves team has posted a new developer diary to show off some of the musical instruments that will be included in the game. All, of course, feature a "piratey theme" that will work together so that crews strike just the right shanty to suit the mood. Strike up the concertina and the hurdy gurdy and check out the video, matey!
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