《神秘世界》热帖 游戏增加 全新任务

2016-08-16 654
Facility Offense requires players to capture anima wells, capture a facility and kill players trying to defend it.
Facility Defense requires players to defend the area and kill attackers.
In addition, Fusang also has periodic events:
        Anima Surge is an event where a random facility is selected as a target for 15 minutes, and if your faction owns that facility at the end of the timer, everyone in your faction who is in Fusang at that time will get rewarded.        Supply Drop is an event where a supply drop belonging to a specific faction will appear somewhere in Fusang. If the respective faction is able to successfully retrieve its contents and deliver them to a friendly facility, that faction is rewarded. If an opposing faction is able to intercept the drop and destroy it before it can be captured, both other factions will be rewarded instead.
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