《乌鸦陨落》官网升级 通过模块系统创建自动的防守点

2016-08-17 872
The Crowfall site has been updated with the big news that strongholds will be able to be player-designed via a modular system. Strongholds were originally planned to be pre-built with customization coming via the placement of buildings but with the modular system, players will be able to construct their keeps to suit their defensive, offensive and aesthetic tastes.
    Are the buildings modular?
    The buildings (such as the lodge or a tavern) are not modular in the same manner as castle walls and towers. Defenses can be created out of ‘snappable’ parts (much like Legos), and players can move them around to create any combination of defensive structures. Buildings, however, will have a set footprint and while we hope to include a high degree of customization, it won’t be to the same degree as the castle walls, gates and towers. (In other words, we aren’t providing floor and wall segments to allow players to build a house from the ground up.)
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