
2016-08-20 674
《魔兽世界:军团再临》恶魔职业猎手将会在两周内拥有一对翅膀装备。恶魔猎人的标志性武器和伊利丹的类似。在全新的艾泽拉斯的军械库里,好莱坞铁匠Tony Swatton打造了任何恶魔猎手都会很自豪地拥有这款武器。快来欣赏吧!游戏工作室联盟首选专业玩家网,集合所有网游项目,游戏辅助,等游戏赚钱方法。
World of Warcraft: Legion will be arriving on the wings of Demon Hunters in less than two weeks. The signature weapon for Demon Hunters is a warglaive similar to those carried by Illidan himself. In a new Azeroth Armory, Hollywood blacksmith Tony Swatton forges a warglaive that any Demon Hunter would be proud to carry. Check it out!
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