
2016-08-23 697
MMORPG.com网站已经宣布《全职大师》即将进入公测,测试的时间定在本月8月25-31 号,从上午10点开始,在第三十一晚上4点结束。这个测试将会第一时间让玩家体验迷你游戏模式和激战2阿斯卡隆事件阶段,并将还包括PVE和PVP模式之前的测试阶段。现在赶紧登陆游戏,尽情享受吧!专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。
MMORPG.com has been given alpha test keys for MXM that will get you into the next alpha text scheduled for August 25-31, beginning at 10 a.m. Pacific Time and closing at 4 p.m. on the 31st. This test will be the first time players get to check out the Mini Games mode and Guild Wars 2 Ascalon event stage, and will also include the same great PvE stages and PvP modes as previous tests. Get your key now and get in the game!
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