《最终幻想XIV》将举行三周年庆祝活动 更多好礼赶紧赢取

2016-08-25 620
《最终幻想XIV》已经运行三年了。每年都会举行一次庆祝游戏的活动,活动被称为 “重新崛起”。今年,庆祝活动将在星期六,也就是8月27日开始,并将持续到星期一,9月12日结束。在此期间,玩家可以在游戏中点击水晶大篷车赢取那些漂亮可爱的珍稀物品。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
Final Fantasy XIV has been in its reincarnated second state for three years now. Each year to celebrate the game's relaunch, an event called The Rising is held. This year, the celebration will kick off on Saturday, August 27th and will run through Monday, September 12th.
During The Rising, players can check out the Crystal Caravan and score some pretty sweet swag.
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