《神秘世界》全新挑战任务 赢取珍贵奖励

2016-08-25 624
现在《神秘世界》的玩家拥有一个新的挑战比赛任务。在9月21日之间,玩家需要赢取70项挑战来获得珍贵奖励,这个奖励叫做“Hell-themed Hoverboard”,只要玩家通过完成游戏任务,就可以免费获得这个奖励。
The Secret World players have a new challenge ahead of them. Between now and September 21st, players need to complete seventy challenges to earn the awesome Doomboard, a "Hell-themed Hoverboard" that, through completion of the event, can be earned for free.
In addition, the Retro Bag and the Bulk Retro Bag have dropped into the game that allows players to score vintage 80s clothing -- acid-washed jeans, windbreakers, belt bags and a ton of other stuff.
Read the full update notes on The Secret World forum.
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