
2016-08-25 498
Perfect World游戏公司透露关于《活锁》发布日期消息。官方宣称《活锁》有望同时在8月30日推出Xbox,PlayStation 4和PC上。
《 活锁 》是一个高视角的快节奏的合作射击类游戏,是机器发动的一场对抗无限战争。它将于2016年8月30日上线PlayStation 4和Xbox®,Steam 。游戏将玩家带入第二十二世纪,机器的时代。大灾变后近一个世纪,
Perfect World Entertainment has revealed the Livelock released date. Livelock is expected to launch simultaneously for XBox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on August 30th.
    Livelock is a fast-paced cooperative top-down shooter based in a post-human world where machines are waging an infinite war against each other. It will launch on PlayStation®4, Xbox One and Steam onAugust 30, 2016. The game transports players into the 22nd century, the age of the machine. Nearly a century after the cataclysm, it’s up to you to restore humanity.
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