《 Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms 》将于8月30日发布sieam

2016-08-27 1860
《 Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms 》是一款基于北欧神话故事内容基础上的游戏,该作准备在8月30日开始发布steam。这部作品是由南非的乌托邦梦娱乐联盟开发和出版。游戏和游戏中的商店会免费为玩家开放。
Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms, based on Norse mythology, is ready to be unleashed on Steam beginning August 30th. Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms is developed and published by Utopia Dream Entertainment Alliance from South Africa. The game will be free to play with an in-game marketplace.
        Obliterate your Adversaries: Obtain rare equipment by destroying antagonizers in powerful PVP battles that will satisfy your need for an enthralling combat experience, because every attack feels viciously visceral, requires consideration and looks spectacular on your screen.          Extensive Multiplayer Functionality: Guilds, Teams and Arenas are perfect ways to make lasting friendships that will stay with you throughout your journey. You must be part of a guild to make your own luxury equipment, build guild towers to expand your guild map or have the right to compete to be crowned as King.
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