《Guardians of Ember》德国版已做好发布准备 开发团队开启众筹资金活动

2016-08-30 2711
随着这个月接近尾声,游戏《Guardians of Ember》的推出,inselgames公司已经把德国版的游戏准备好了发布工作。在筹集资金方面,Indiegogo已经举行开始筹集资金活动。Indie回复了关于游戏的许多问题,该作是由一个叫做“魔法咒语与龙的先知”游戏开发团队开发。
虽然英语版本是在九月底上线steam,在早期的访问中 透漏,从今年年底,将确保在德国的翻译和增量版本的即时启动,但inselgames也会对非德国玩家通过降低价格来让他们体验游戏,他们还为那些大方的支持者提供特殊限量版T恤,任务NPC的命名,独特的任务设计,开发人员访问或与团队公会烧烤。点击烬Indiegogo页面前往游戏steam区,阅读早期访问同获取数据安装包:凡人版(19,99美元),半神(29,99美元)和终极仙版(49,99美元)。专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
With the end of next month fast approaching and the launch of Guardians of Ember, InselGames is ready to bring a localized German version of the game out as well. To fund the translation process, an IndieGogo campaign has started to raise funds.
    With the IndieGoGo campaign launch today, InselGames responds to the many requests for a German version of Guardians of Ember, the new game from the developers of Runes of Magic and Dragon’s Prophet. While the English version is set for a launch on Steam Early Access at the end of September, a successful campaign will ensure the immediate start of the translation and incremental release in German from the end of the year. But InselGames also has Non-German players in mind by offering the upcoming game for a reduced price, limited t-shirts for early adopters and special perks for the most generous supporters, for example, the naming of Quest NPCs, the design of a unique quest, developer visits or a guild barbecue with the team.
Check out the Guardians of Ember IndieGogo page to learn more  before heading to the game's Steam portal to check out the Early Access packages: Mortal Edition (19,99 USD), the Demigod (29,99 USD) and the ultimate Immortal Edition (49,99 USD) .
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