铁匠Tony Swatton再次为魔兽世界铸造盔甲

2016-09-05 1033
好莱坞游戏铁匠Tony Swatton再次对魔兽世界中英雄们的武器创造标志性项目。斯瓦顿在艾泽拉斯的军械库和他的团队最新版本为蓝本打造一套cosplay恶魔猎手的盔甲。赶紧点击链接,让我们知道你在下面的评论中发表的看法!专业玩家网游戏工作室项目论坛全面开放,欢迎所有游戏工作室加入。
Once again Hollywood's blacksmith Tony Swatton is creating iconic items from World of Warcraft. In the latest edition of Azeroth Armory Swatton and his team forged a suit of Demon Hunter armor for cosplay purposes.Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments below!
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