《坦克世界》和《Sega's Valkyria Chronicles》发布预览视频 详情在东京游戏展展示

2016-09-07 995
《坦克世界:闪电战》团队即将和《Sega's Valkyria Chronicles》合作。虽然没有其他已知的信息透漏出来,WG送来一份预览视频,展示了如何将两个游戏融合。更多的信息细节将在东京游戏展期间透露!点击链接观看视频!
World of Tanks Blitz will be getting a visit from Sega's Valkyria Chronicles in the near future. While there is little else known, Wargaming kindly sent over a preview video to show off some of how the two games will integrate. More will be revealed during the Tokyo Game Show.Check it out!
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