
2019-09-27 408
The Crowfall team sat down with Ten Ton Hammer recently for an interview ranging from the War of the Gods milestone to guild vs guild combat.
Crowfall Creative Director, J. Todd Coleman, described how crucial the Gods milestone was for him and his team,
“This is probably the MOST critical milestone for us, because it builds on the foundation that we’ve laid out over the last few years: procedural worlds, dynamic placement of buildings and props, our city & castle sieging system and the incredibly deep character advancement system (we have about 1500 unique powers spread across thousands of unique race/class/sub-class combinations).
All of that is already in and working. Now we just need to add the elements to make Crowfall really unique: city advancement, guild-vs-guild support, and divine favor (i.e. the War of the Gods).”
The next release was also discussed, with Coleman explaining what this means for classes, races, and mounts,
“Absolutely, this next release brings in the final class that we’ve been waiting for: the Frostweaver. That means we will have all races and classes (and promotion classes, skill trees, and multi-classing disciplines) present and accounted for. This version also brings in things like mounts and caravans and refineries… a host of other features that are core to the game loop, but not as critical as procedural world generation or the ability to dynamically add, move and destroy buildings.”
For now, it seems, the difficult part of development is behind them, with the team looking forward. However, TTH pushed Coleman on future difficulties by referencing the five promised campaigns and risk of them being left behind,
“That’s absolutely a risk. Crowfall has a very wide scope in terms of design. I’ve been trying to go back and streamline the world choices, to make sure each one is a unique offering.
We already support:
•the Eternal Kingdoms, are player-created, and player-managed worlds that act as markets, housing zones and social hubs
•God’s Reach is a PvE-only “newbie world” for players to learn the game,
•The Infected is a 3-Faction PvP world in the tradition of Dark Ages or Planetside,
…and, with this final milestone, we’ll add the Dregs, Guild-vs-Guild PvP campaigns.
(I’m still not sure if we’ll want to ship the Shadowlands; we have the tools to support it, but I’m not convinced that there will be enough interest to warrant it. Let’s see how the Dregs testing goes and then ask our players for if they feel like another world type would be popular.)”
Guild vs guild combat was also discussed. Because of its nature, implementing such a feature isn’t straightforward, with Coleman discussing a potential solution,
“The Divine Favor system, that I mentioned, is the answer to that problem. This system uses a mechanic common in table-top strategy games, like the special cards in Catan that give you points for having “the Longest Road” or “the Largest Army”.
The interview is a fascinating read, ending on a potential timeline for alpha, with Coleman remaining coy about committing to a date,
“I suppose that with this release we’ll officially call it Alpha internally, but I’d rather not make a big deal of that externally because I don’t think anyone really cares what we call it. We’ll be working on this milestone through the end of the year and launch it in early 2020. The most important thing is: this is the last major update that we’ll do before we move our entire team onto bug fixing and polish.”
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