
2019-10-08 554
所有玩家都可以免费使用这款游戏,无论是PC/Mac, Xbox One还是PS4,这都是ESO基础游戏的一部分。你将从游戏皇冠商店的“任务启动者”一栏中获取任务,标题为“卡苏拉的信”,开始玩家的旅程,以逆转龙之怒,龙之怒一直困扰着塔米尔。
任务中的事件将直接导致即将到来的Dragonhold DLC,它将在10月21日到达PC/Mac,而控制台玩家将等到11月5日加入行动。另外,在10月14日的龙之崛起活动中完成序幕的玩家可以帮助《上古卷轴》的社区在线解锁埃尔斯维尔北部的一个区域范围内的黄金奖励。
The prologue quest for The Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming Dragonhold DLC is now available on all platforms. The intro quest starts players on the path to the conclusion of the Season of the Dragon series ZeniMax's MMORPG has been building the whole year.
The free prologue is available to all players, whether on PC/Mac, Xbox One or PS4 as part of the ESO base game. You'll grab the quest from the "Quest Starters" section of the in-game Crown Store, titled "Letter from Kasura," starting players on their journey to turn back the rage of Dragons that have been terrorizing Tamriel.
In these new quests, you team up with the Redguard swordmaster Sai Sahan (returning from the ESO main story questline) to discover lost Dragonguard sanctuaries scattered throughout Tamriel and uncover their ancient secrets. Together, you must find a way to turn the tide against the rage of Dragons that now threatens Tamriel.
The events of the quest will lead right into the upcoming Dragonhold DLC, which will be hitting PC/Mac on October 21st, while console players will be waiting until November 5th to join the action. Additionally, players who complete the prologue during the Dragon Rise event going on now through October 14 can help the community in Elder Scrolls Online unlock a zone-wide gold bonus in Northern Elsweyr.
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