
2019-10-11 489
Changes are coming to Snipers and Gunslingers in SWTOR’s latest Onslaught update.
Snipers will receive new abilities Holo-Locate which  marks your current location for 10 minutes. When activated again, if you are within 60 meters of the marked location, you instantly return to the marked location. Additionally Set Bonuses (“Repositioned”) for Marksmanship Snipers include:•(2 Piece Bonus) +2% Alacrity•(4 Piece Bonus) Reduces the cooldown of Cover Pulse by 5 seconds.•(6 Piece Bonus) Evasion finishes the cooldown of Covered Escape and increases you and your allies’ movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
Engineering and Virulence snipers will receive tweaks as well. Meanwhile, Gunslingers receive a new ability, called Hideout which functions similarly to the Snipers.
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