
2019-10-14 514
周三,10月16日,你将能够看到激战2的艺术表演,在那里你可以观看Fiaradd创建的艺术流。这个流程从12p PDT开始。在周四的3p PDT中,开发团队将在NA服务器上进行对战。
ArenaNet has published the streaming schedule for Guild Wars 2 for this upcoming week. Let’s take a look.
On Wednesday, October 16, you’ll be able to catch the Guild Wars 2 art show where you can watch Fiaradd create art live on stream. This stream starts at 12p PDT. Thursday at 3p PDT features World vs World as the dev team plays on NA servers.
In other news, the Halloween event, dubbed Shadow of the Mad King, goes live on October 15. You’ll be able to tackle the Mad King’s Clock Tower, check out the labyrinth, or head out into the cornfield for Reaper’s Rumble.
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