
2019-10-17 457
根据黎明前的论坛更新,在Everquest 2中,自定义ui将在即将到来的测试中被禁用。
Custom UIs will be disabled in Everquest 2 for an upcoming test, according to a forum update by Daybreak.
“We will be turning them off with the next patch on Tuesday (10/22), and they will be off for the following week as we spend that time testing. Either Friday (10/25) or Monday (10/28) before the patch on Tuesday (10/29) we will let you all know if that timeline needs to be extended further.”
However, changes are being made to make this as painless as possible. For one, everyone will receive one free lockout reset when the changes go live which will reset all current lockout timers and can be used only when this test is active.
Additionally, all minimum lockouts on raid zones will be lowered in Chaos Descending and Fabled Kael Drakkel to 18 hours.
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