
2019-10-21 370
Developer CCP looks to players for suggest faction-specific audio lines for use in EVE Online’s hangars, according to a recent news post.
The post begins by providing background on the acoustic goals for creating a more modern-sounding environment which change based on “external factors.”
“One of the goals was to create a different sonic signature based on factions, player stations, and Citadels. For example, we want Minimatar to use a foundry background feel that is mixed with loads of random and diverse low-tech sound emitters: big pipes adding low frequencies, welding at different distances and metal scraping to make the environment more alive and sounding overall metallic and rusty.”
It seems the original background sound in the current hangars are actually remastered versions of older audio and then mixed into new hangars. However, the team announced that starting today and moving into the next several weeks, the team is accepting submissions for faction-specific lines to be reviewed, recorded, and then added to the game. Here is the criteria:•You can suggest as many lines as you can•Lines should not be longer than a couple of sentences•Lines must be specific to only one faction•Lines should be kept within the lore of EVE Online•Lines must be in English
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