
2019-10-27 386
早些时候,LOTRO的官方推特账号分享了即将上映的Minas Morgul资料片的最新消息。
我们当然会报道这次扩张,主编约瑟夫·布拉德福德急切地等待着。一定要回来查看我们的报道和评论。与此同时,他希望在Minas Morgul的资料片中能看到以下内容。
The official LOTRO Twitter account shared an update on the release date of the upcoming Minas Morgul expansion earlier.
The current targeted date is November 5, with the team tweeting,
 We’ll of course cover the expansion, with Managing Editor Joseph Bradford eagerly awaiting to dive in. Be sure to check back for our coverage and review. In the meantime, here’s what he’s hoping to see in the Minas Morgul expansion.
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