
2019-11-14 1040
•45 x勤奋硬币
•7 x劳动充电器
The ArcheAge Unchained team has issued an update regarding ArchePass Compensation.
Essentially, the ArchePass Compensation Crate can now be claimed in the game’s marketplace for characters level 40 or higher. As a reminder, it can claimed twice per account. The contents include:•45x Diligence Coins•7x Labor Rechargers
“This pack will be removed during the next week's maintenance and replaced with a pack to be claimed once as initially intended. Moving forward, ArchePass Compensation Crate will be available as a single claim until the ArchePass is fully enabled again. Currently the ArchePass rework is still in development and will be announced when it is available on PTS in the future.”
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