
2019-11-22 477
在与WCCFTech的谈话中,导演兼制作人吉田直树表示,他希望有一天,他的游戏能够出现在索尼即将推出的游戏机上,Square Enix的声明也证实了这一点。
The director of Final Fantasy XIV wants his game on PS5.
In speaking with WCCFTech, Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida expressed his intent that one day, his game would appear on Sony’s upcoming console as confirmed by a statement from Square Enix,
“While not a confirmation, Yoshida-san expressed a hope that FINAL FANTASY XIV Online may one day appear on the next generation of Sony console.”
Given the popularity of FFXIV, it isn’t too difficult to imagine it coming to Sony’s next gen machine. As to when that may happen, that’s anyone’s best guess.
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