
2019-12-09 365
该活动将于美国东部时间12月14日(星期六)下午2点举行。《星球大战:天行者的崛起》(Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker)的导演j ?
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker footage is coming to Fortnite in the latest cross-over event.
The event is set to take place on Saturday, December 14 at 2p ET. What exactly is set to happen, you ask? J.J. Abrams, director of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, is set to reveal never before seen footage of the film.
The location for this reveal is set to be Risky Reels. If you’re interested, definitely hop in and check out the footage. Or, maybe just catch it on YouTube later. You can get in early at 1:30p ET if you want to grab good seats.
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