
2019-12-10 666
《剑灵》 将会在12月11日的更新- MMORPG.com中预览
《剑灵》 在其新的钢铁意志更新中预览了事件。
Blade And Soul Previews Events Hitting December 11 with upcoming update - MMORPG.com
Blade & Soul has previewed events in its new Will of Iron update.
The Reindeer Holiday challenge will take place from December 11 – January 22, while the reward redemption period for that event will run from December 11 – February 18. You simply need to complete four daily challenges to win 3 Elder Scale Fragments, 2 Superior Reputation Charms and a Secret Santa Gift Box filled with unique rewards.
Additionally, you can complete weekly quests for Reindeer ornaments. An auto-fishing celebration event will also run wherein you can try your hand in The Dragon’s Lair daily quest. Finally, a free Iron Will Reinforcement Chest will be made available in celebration of the Destroyer Third Specialization.
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