
2019-12-16 650
If you recall during EVE London, CCP had revealed that EVE Online devs would soon see a change in how they could interact with other players. That policy change has now arrived.
The latest blog post from CCP indicates an updated policy removing the requirement for devs to remain anonymous in the sandbox. Devs can now play openly with whomever they wish, wherever they wish. Additionally, developers will now be able to choose for themselves the level of anonymity they wish to preserve,
“This policy change has come about from many discussions with EVE players at gatherings, advice from the CSM and internal discussions within CCP, and we feel that the benefits of this change are clear: lifting the restriction on sharing our identity will enable the developers to participate more fully in EVE Online and in doing so gain a better understanding of the experiences players enjoy and challenges they encounter in the game.”
The post continues, noting that for the policy to succeed, CCP will need help from players. They’ve outlined three key points. The first, “let us suck,” details that some devs aren’t veteran players,
“So if one of us leeroys a gate, misses your rep broadcast or asks a question about something basic you think should be common knowledge please don't come down on them hard about it. We ask for your patience while we're getting used to this new approach.”
The second is called, “let us play,” and requests the community to simply let the devs play if they happen to see developers in the game,
“If a developer doesn't have a "CCP" in front of their name at the time just treat them like you would any other spacefriend.”
The third, called “leave the tinfoil at home,” requests players to not think that there’s some dev hacks going on,
“If you run into an opposing fleet that you know has a CCP employee in it, relax - we're not using dev hacks to get intel on you or buff our resists or using any ~space magic~ stuff like that. It's strictly forbidden for devs to cheat in any way.”
It also notes that devs have to earn ISK the same way players do as well. You can check out the full policy details here.
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