
2020-01-09 394
《黑色沙漠》 明天将在他们的流中预览即将到来的守护职业。
GM Endlaive将展示《卫报》。流本身将包括奖品,并将特色的女巫继承,和舞台上的阿沙战斗NA服务器。至于何时可以观看,该流将于1月10日以下时间开始:
•全球:下午5:00 (UTC)
•东海岸(NA): 12:00 PM(美国东部时间)
Black Desert will preview the upcoming Guardian class on their stream tomorrow.
GM Endlaive will show off the Guardian. The stream itself will include prizes, and will feature Sorceress Succession, and Arena of Arsha battles on the NA server. As to when you can watch, the stream is set to start on January 10 at the following times:•Global: 5:00 PM (UTC)•Central (EU): 18:00 (CET)•West Coast (NA): 9:00 AM (PST)•East Coast (NA): 12:00 PM (EST)
You’ll be able to watch the stream here. In case you missed it, the Guardian class is set to release on January 22, with pre-registration live now for the pre-creation on January 15.
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