《全面通缉》:10.0版本发布 更新大量武器 宣传视频曝光

2012-11-28 4644

《全面通缉》(《APB: Reloaded》)的博客更新了一批新的开发者日记,有首席设计师Qwentle执笔。里面,Qwentle讨论了接下来的更新Version 10: New Breed Part 3的情况。版本10.0将会给游戏带来两个新的T5内容:"Birth" and "Templeton",同时里面会有很多新的改进和武器。

这次的"Birth" and "Templeton"更新中我们会主要来看任务的改变修饰,所有类别中这些都是非常有用的,我们很希望可以看见San Paro接到上更多的变化!一起来看看宣传视频吧!

The APB Reloaded blog has been updated with a new developer post written by Lead Designer Qwentle. In it, Qwentle discusses the next update, Version 10: New Breed Part 3. Version 10 will bring two new T5 contacts, "Birth" and "Templeton", into the game as well as new modifications and weapons.
With Birth and Templeton, we’re mainly focusing on character modifications. With a number of very useful modifications in all categories, we hope to see a much larger amount of diversity on the streets of San Paro.

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