倚天2:新内容Dark Dragons发布 增加新装备提高等级上限

2013-03-07 5309

倚天2:新内容Dark Dragons发布   增加新装备提高等级上限




为了准备暗龙摇滚之旅,玩家现在可以将自己的等级升到105级。在神秘的Dragon Stone Alchemy的帮助下,玩家可以从战利品龙石碎片中再生产出巨大的龙石,以为那些碎片具备你无法想象的力量。龙石头起源于元素龙的心脏和灵魂,元素龙给龙石提供了健康或法力点,以及能够有效抵御有火,冰,土,风,雷电,黑暗的电阻。从30级开始,人物可以用天、地这两块神奇的宝石打造成两套不同的背景。为了提高龙石的影响,龙石可以通过多级自动恢复。


Metin 2 : The Dark Dragons Expansion Released

Metin 2 players will want to head into the game to check out the latest expansion. Called "The Dark Dragons", the expansion opens up a new quest area filled with new monsters, gear, quests and more. In addition, the level cap has been increased.

To prepare for the journey to Dark Dragon Rock, players can now level up their characters to level 105. With the help of the mysterious Dragon Stone Alchemy, players can produce powerful dragon stones from looted dragon stone shards that will lend them unimagined powers. Dragon stones originate from the heart and soul of an elemental dragon that gives its bearer bonuses on health or mana points, as well as effective resistances against the elements of fire, ice, earth, wind, lightning and darkness. From level 30, characters have the potential to assemble two different sets from these magical precious stones: Heaven and Earth. Dragon stones can also be refined through multiple levels in order to increase their effects.

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