美服《凡间在线》技术原因延迟上市 官方发声明

2010-04-01 1111

瑞典游戏开发商Star Vault公司首席执行官Henrik Nystrom对那些饥渴等待《MortalOL(凡间OL)》的fans们又要说抱歉了:由于一些技术问题要处理《MortalOL(凡间在线)》的玩家不得不再多等一个月。

《凡间OL》是瑞典游戏开发公司Star Vault秘密开发出的幻想类动作MMORPG游戏。这是一款具有新颖概念的网络游戏。除了新奇的第一人称视角这个系统以外,另一个重要特征是放弃等级制而采用技能制,比较类似《DarkfallOnline》。虽然是以PvP为主,但是PvP以及PVE也可以同时进行,可以真实反映玩家技能熟练度以及游戏角色的强大与否。玩家可以拥有自己的家,也可以白手起家建立行会,甚至支配一个王国。

据《Mortal Online》游戏官方网站的介绍,游戏自由度相当高,玩家可以选择走小偷、刺客的邪恶之路,也可以选择走维持世界秩序的正义之路。甚至可以选择不属于任何组织的独行侠或隐者的生活。在本游戏里不仅可以选择自己信仰的神寻求庇护,甚至还能自己开创新兴的宗教。专业玩家网提供专业的游戏比价器向广大游戏工作室提供欧美游戏CDK,魔兽出货价格查询,收货商查询,骗子查询,寄售交易。



As you know we have been working hard to solve our desync issue within the game to have a proper release of Mortal Online. We have made some progress but we think we have hit the limits on the current version of the network solution we are using. We believed we had the solution before end of March but we now see that this is not possible at the moment therefore we have to postpone the release for another month. We have been working very hard day and night now for some years and finally started to see the goal and release, we just have to put another gear in before we are going to release Mortal Online. Thank you for your feedback and support that helped us to take this important decision.

Both the community and we here at Star Vault agree that we need to have the desync issue solved before we can release Mortal Online. We have decided to upgrade our network solution with Epic Games to improve the overall network structure.

We have already started the merge a week ago which means we are converting all our current features and content into the new structure, this will take some time for us to finish before we can test the result of this with your help in the open beta. We will also fly some of our programmers to the US where Epic Games are located to work within their team to get their fully support on our game and update of the network structure in an efficient way other than distance cooperation. This will improve the speed and quality of us going into the latest build of Unreal Engine and the network solution which should eliminate most of our current issues, both in performance and network wise. While our programmers work directly on the merge and some bug fixing our artists will continue to work on the world, and bring us a few new interest points to Nave. This also means we get the latest build of Unreal Engine which gives us the opportunity to evaluate SpeedTree 5.1 and some other interesting tools.

We will announce a final release date at a later time.


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