《神秘世界》首席剧作者撰文 谈角色个性化

2011-04-19 2416

funcom旗下《神秘世界》官方博客更新,游戏首席剧作者dag scheve撰文,谈论他们在设计角色个性时的一些想法。最新最全的国外游戏 ,全球最大的美服游戏下载中文网站,尽在专业玩家网!






In our last developer blog we talked about story in MMOs, and in The Secret World. This time I want to talk a little bit about the NPCs, or non-player characters, in the game and what purpose they serve. Allow me to kick things off with a statement of intent:

We want our characters to provide an experience beyond that of a mission terminal. We want them to be memorable in their own right, and to be a mirror to the world they inhabit.

The characters in The Secret World are there to guide you through the game, give you context and help you interpret the world, as well as being a catalyst of intriguing missions and gameplay. They are your window into our world, the engine that drives it forward, the corner pieces of the grand puzzle, and the shovel we give you with which to dig.

When talking about the story in The Secret World, we’re talking about a few different things. There’s the setting, which is a contemporary world where myth and legend combine with modern themes and ancient conspiracies. There’s the history, which is the timeline of events that has brought us to the point where the dark days are coming. And, last but not least, there’s the in-game narrative; the events that unfold and beg the players to intervene and react.

And the characters are key to good story telling.

They are one of our most important tools to communicate all aspects of the story and provide you with the missions, but if we want to take it one step further they are also the life and soul of the world, the players’ emotional connection to the game content. If done right, they can make you laugh and cry, both with them and at them, and they can make you care about more than the next raid-drop.

Guess what? We do want to take it one step further.

In The Secret World, we care deeply about our characters and we are placing a big emphasis on populating the world with hundreds of fully voiced and motion-captured individuals. Individuals. With unique personalities and perspectives and with the full range of expression we enjoy (yes, that means appropriate and judicious use of mature language).

Because we aim to create a world that’s deep and diverse, it means we need a cast of characters that’s equally deep and diverse.

On your journey through the secret world you will meet characters from all continents and all walks of life. From a Scottish school teacher to an Ethiopian gangster. From a fifteen year old contract killer to a jaded hero of elder times. From a sexy Brazilian diplomat to a three thousand year old mummy in a suit. From a golden child to an ancient villain with a huge chip on his shoulder.

Where characters in other games are often just vehicles for the tasks the designers want their players to undertake, our characters are about giving you the information you need to decide for yourself. Rather than asking the player directly for help, they will talk about events in the world and offer opinions, present scenarios that players can choose to react to, do something to change, or walk away from.

In one of my favourite cinematics, we have a mother and a daughter arguing about the dirty dishes in the face of the apocalypse. In another we have a desperate villain threatening an already dead man with…death. We have characters who sing, characters who dance, characters who blow things up, and characters who deceive.

Our aim is for them to reflect all of the Secret World. All of the secret societies, all of the conspiracies, all of the mysteries and all of the legends. All of the emotions and all of the drama. We want them to laugh and love, give and take.

They will be more than mission terminals. They will be a mirror to the world they inhabit.

And they will, hopefully, provide you with a setting in which to forge your own stories and reputations, carve out your own roles and allegiances. Because our characters are not the most important characters in The Secret World.

You are.

Dag Scheve,

Lead Writer, The Secret World


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