
2011-04-29 2660

今年2月9号暴雪公司CEO Mike Morhaime对外提到去年第四季度金融时报的报道,曾对外宣布他将会在今年5月9号时对暗黑3做一个详细的介绍。





General : Diablo 3 In the "Home Stretch"
2011 and this year's Blizzcon could be exciting for fans of Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo 3. According to BlizzPlanet, Jay Wilson says that Diablo 3 is in 'crunch mode' and that leads observers to hope that the title will ship in Quarter 4 2011!
Some press members have reported they were at Irvine recently playing Diablo III, these past days. Jay Wilson told the New York Times the following statement that really makes my skin chill with excitement:
“We’re definitely in the home stretch. We’re crunching. This is when the magic happens.”
That’s significant because on February 9th, Mike Morhaime (Blizzard CEO / President) said at the 2010 Fourth Quarter Financial Report that he would have details on Diablo III beta testing at the next conference — which is May 9th.

That said, combining this with Jay Wilson’s thrilling comment, Blizzard might really be planning to announce Diablo III beta testing date. By tradition, beta testing usually lasts 4-6 months.
If Diablo III beta started on August and lasted about four months, the game might ship around December/January. If Diablo III beta started as early as June, counting six months of beta testing in mind, the game might ship between November/December. Seems there’s potential for a 2011 release if things are optimal. However, Blizzard ships when the game is ready. So don’t hold your breath.


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