
2011-05-06 2974

星球大战公司最近开展了星球大战:旧共和国“沉浸日”发布会。MMORPG网站的社区经理有幸受邀参加并亲自体验了星球大战的新篇章,获悉了游戏最新的特性:玩家对战(PvP)和战域(Warzones)。 玩家们快来查看旧共和国篇章中到底有什么新特性吧!






配对之前,会有一个介绍让我们先熟悉游戏的等级,玩家可以选择的玩家对抗角色。 BioWare 公司在开发PvP的时候也特意突出了一些有趣的部分,包括他们正在处理一些大部分网游中玩家对抗徽章的问题。










Star Wars: The Old Republic: PvP Hands-On Preview
During a recent visit to EA's Redwood Shores studio for Star Wars: The Old Republic "Immersion Day", MMORPG.com Community Manager Mike Bitton had the opportunity for a hands on preview of one of the game's most closely guarded features: PvP and Warzones. See what Mike saw and check out his thoughts about PvP in the Old Republic.
Previews By Michael Bitton on May 05, 2011Let’s get something out of the way real quick: PvP in Star Wars: The Old Republic is awesome.  If you’ve been following our coverage of the recent Star Wars: The Old Republic “Immersion Days” event you’ll know that we chose to use our two days with the game as an experiment to find out how group friendly the game was. While there were a few issues, PvE turned out to be a pretty solid group experience. But what about PvP?
Our PvP demo was set for our second day at the event, and following a successful day grouping with some of my colleagues in the press I decided to approach the rest of the group with a new plan: beat the developers at their own game. Let’s face it, they were tossing us into the deep end here with PvP and this is probably the only time the developers will be better than the players as they know their game and the Warzone better than we did. So, why not rob them of this small pleasure and add a little competitive twist to the demo?
Before we got into our matches we were given a short presentation to familiarize us with the various classes, Advanced Classes, and roles available to players in PvP.  BioWare also took this time to highlight some of the interesting things they are doing with PvP, including what they are doing to address some of the stand-out issues that tend to plague PvP in most MMOs.
The first issue has to do with tanks. As most MMO gamers know, tanks traditionally have a hard time finding a place in PvP when it comes to doing their job of protecting their allies. After all, aggro and threat have no function in PvP.
To address this, taunted players attacking a tank’s allies in The Old Republic will instead suffer a significant damage penalty, encouraging them to focus on the tank to make full use of their damage potential.
If the enemy decides to attack the tank’s allies anyways, the tank still wins as he’s still protected them by allowing them to take less damage, and if the enemy focuses on the tank, well, mission accomplished! Additionally, tanks will also be able to be able to Guard a designated player, which allows the tank to share 50% of the damage being taken by their guarded ally. Both the aforementioned approach to taunting and the Guard feature worked excellently in Mythic’s Warhammer Online, and I was glad to hear that these features will be part of Star Wars: The Old Republic’s PvP experience.
BioWare is also attempting to address the issue of crowd control in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This issue actually turned out to be a little bit trickier to deal with than it already is in most MMOs due to BioWare’s focus on creating a cinematic combat experience.
To address the issues of crowd control, BioWare has implemented a “Resolve” bar which appears underneath your character’s HP bar and fills up as you are subject to crowd controlling effects; once the bar fills to maximum the player is immune to all crowd control effects for a full eight seconds before the bar resets.

If you’ve watched many of the gameplay trailers released up to this point you’ve probably noticed that enemies tend to react a lot to what’s being done to them, especially in lightsaber combat, and this does a great deal in helping BioWare achieve that cinematic combat they’ve been striving for.
The problem arises when they had to consider how this would work in PvP combat. The team struggled with balancing the desire to have PvP combat look as “Star Wars” as the PvE combat, and ultimately decided to keep the animations. The compromise was that basically any action that removes control of your character now counts as a crowd control effect towards your Resolve meter. This means things like short knockbacks, or channeled lightsaber attacks where you are stuck reacting to the blows also count as CC.  The amount the bar fills up by is completely determined by the severity of the CC being used on you。
In addition to the issues addressed above, BioWare intends to treat PvP as a fully viable leveling track as they don’t want to put anything in the game that would give players the impression they’d better spend their time doing a different activity.

 If you enjoy doing PvP, you’ll be glad to know you will earn experience points, credits, and even tokens towards an entire line of gear and consumables created specifically for PvP. PvP gear will be appropriately aggressive looking as well; even your peace-loving Jedi Knight will look like a battle-hardened badass when fully decked out in PvP gear.
A ranking system known as “Valor” will also help set the better players apart from the crop and even factors heavily into the game’s matchmaking system for Warzones. Star Wars: The Old Republic’s matchmaking system will attempt to match players of similar Valor rank, try to create balanced teams with healers and tanks, and most importantly, separates the solo queue from premades. No one likes getting stomped by premades in a pick-up group and BioWare’s definitely heard you there.
Finally, a Commendations system, which was described as a kind of “mini-achievements” system, awards players for their accomplishments throughout a Warzone match (and even announces the achievements to other players). Players can earn commendations for all manner of actions including killing other players, teamplay activities such as securing objectives, and even tanks and healers get some love.


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