
2011-05-17 4550






《剑灵》秉持了NCsoft一向政策“走自己的路”。除掉了“tank”和“healer”,《剑灵》确实改革了传统网游形式。很多玩家对《剑灵》的第一印象就是“格斗(fighting)”。多数玩家称虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)3的高质量画面给人一种欧式奇幻的感觉。《剑灵》给玩家展示了一种逼真的艺术效果。








内测后,很多玩家建议“simple auction”系统需要修改。“simple auction”系统作为团队游戏的特色非常重要,在《剑灵》8月的第二次内测中将会更加重要。
很多情况下玩家需要采集8个组件来建立一个gear set, 所以游戏装备系统也需要优化。目前聊天频道的职业颜色还不能使用,不过在8月第二次内测中应该可以用了。







Is Blade & Soul Really a Korea-made Revolutionary Game?

Over 10 days have passed since Blade & Soul ended its first CBT, but players are still discussing the game's content and systems heatedly. Is Blade & Soul that has attracted overwhelming attention since the first CBT really a Korea-made revolutionary game?
Shortly after being made public, Blade & Soul was rated high by players thanks to its perfect graphics, immersive storyline, and sexy characters in personalized clothes.

First Impression
"Go my own way regardless of what people say" is NCsoft's permanent development principle, which has been fully embodied in Blade & Soul too. With no concept of "tank" or "healer", Blade & Soul is indeed a challenge for the traditional MMORPGs in the current market, and "fighting" is just its first impression on lots of players. As for the fine-quality graphics rendered by Unreal Engine 3, many a player expressed that different from many other online games based on Unreal Engine 3 with a European fantasy style, Blade & Soul displayed a strong realistic martial arts style.
Blade & Soul players can fly or walk on walls freely once born in the game, and thus get to be involved in the martial arts world from the very beginning. The game's cinematic storyline and diversified quests also let players sense Korean games' innovation in the quest system.

Combat System
This is also a controversial part. Blade & Soul subverts the traditional simple combat mode, and allows players to move and fight based on unique combos and offensive & defensive skills. Meanwhile, it integrates an auto monster-killing system, which may cause inconvenience in solo play but will show obvious advantages in group play.
Without tanks or healers, Blade & Soul offers a platform for players to attack and defend purely. Players should learn not only to attack but also to dodge, and if fighting with rather powerful monsters stubbornly, they are very likely to be killed tragically.

Group Play
After several days of group play, it's reckoned that the "simple auction" system needs great improvements. As a feature in group play, this system plays an important role, and will be much valued in Blade & Soul's second CBT this August.

In the meantime, the in-game equipment system also requires optimizing, since players have to collect 8 components to form a gear set in many cases. The class-specific color distribution in the chat channel in group play is still unavailable currently, but is expected to be improved in the upcoming second CBT.

Blade & Soul brings the market a band-new notion and can be said to represent a big step forward in the South Korean online game history, no matter it is revolutionary or not. Though the official company failed to realize many ideas in players' mind, Blade & Soul has been much admired by South Korean game workers for its energy put into innovation.


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